Welcome to (hereinafter “Site”).

With this Privacy Policy, Juventus Football Club SpA provides the user with information relating to the processing of personal data, which are collected automatically or that the user provides voluntarily, by accessing and browsing the Site and using the services provided therein.

Navigation is free and requires no registration; any contribution of personal data is provided in the “Sign Up” section, which contains a link to the content of this document.

The Site may contain hyperlinks to websites, pages or online services of third parties. By clicking on these links, the user can access multimedia content which, being the exclusive responsibility of the aforementioned parties, is outside the control of Juventus Football Club SpA and is not subject in any way to the provisions of this Privacy Policy. Juventus Football Club SpA therefore invites the user to pay attention when subscribing to services offered by third parties, to read the information on the processing of data provided by them, in relation to which Juventus Football Club SpA cannot have any control, nor be held liable.

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The data controller is Juventus Football Club S.p.A.(Tax Code and VAT No. 00470470014) with registered office in Turin, at Via Druento 175 (hereinafter "Juventus" or “Data Controller”).



Juventus, in the belief that the protection of personal data is of primary importance has appointed a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted by sending an e-mail communication to the address



By personal data we are here referring to any information that concerns the user or referred to the same. Therefore, not just the personal data of the user, but also the information that identifies him (directly or indirectly) such as, for example, the e-mail address, telephone number, IP address, images, etc.

To allow browsing of the Site and the use of the related services, the processing will concern:

When accessing and browsing the Site, Juventus collects browsing data using cookies or other tracking technologies. The IT systems and the software procedures employed to run the Website, during their normal course of operation, collect some personal data whose transmission is implicit when using Internet communication protocols.

This is data related to electronic traffic which, by its very nature, are not collected to be immediately associated to identified users, but which may, through processing and the association with data held by third parties, enable the user's identification. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users to connect to the site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc.) as well as other parameters related to the user's operating system and the IT environment.

For users registered on the Site, we collect data related to the interactions with the Site through their access credentials, including content viewing data, or in any case related to interactions with the Site's Services.

The browsing data makes it possible to verify the regular operation of the Site and allows the user to use the services provided therein, to provide the user with a better browsing experience, to obtain information about visits and process statistical analyses, also in order to identify anomalies and/or possible abuses.

For more information and details on the various types of cookies used, Juventus invites the user to read the provisions included in the Site's Cookies section.

Juventus also processes personal data provided voluntarily by the user during its interactions with the services provided by the Site. In particular, the data provided voluntarily by the user are:

(hereinafter collectively “Data”).


Within the context of the consultation of the Site and the use of the services provided therein, the Data are processed for the following purposes:

  1. to allow browsing of the Site, to obtain statistical information on its use, as well as checking its correct operation and ascertain responsibilities in the event of cybercrime (hereinafter "Browsing").The legal basis is the execution of the contract (art. 6.1 b) of the Regulations), as well as in the legitimate interest of Juventus (art. 6.1 f) of the Regulations);
  2. allow registration in the "Sign Up" section of the Site and the creation of the related personal profile (hereinafter "Account").The legal basis is established in the pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the user and in the execution of the contract (Article 6.1 b) of the Regulation);
  3. provision of the services envisaged and reserved only for registered users, including the purchase and attendance of courses (hereinafter “Services”).The legal basis is established in the execution of the contract (art. 6.1 b) Regulation);
  4. fulfilment of all additional contractual and legal obligations related to the relationship with the user, including customer support activities (hereinafter “Contract”).The legal basis is established in the execution of the contract (art. 6.1 b) of the Regulations) and the fulfilment by Juventus of the obligations connected to it (art. 6.1 c) of the Regulations);
  5. the sending of communications with commercial and/or advertising content by Juventus regarding:

•own services and/or products;

•special offers, advance sales, discounts on products and/or services provided by third parties which Juventus, thanks to commercial agreements with its own Partners/Sponsors, may promote at favourable conditions;

•surveys and market research, etc.

(hereinafter “Marketing”).The legal basis is the consent expressed by the user (art. 6.1 a) of the Regulation). For further information on the processing carried out by Juventus for Marketing purposes, the user can also refer to the content of the Privacy Policy of Juventus published at the following link:;

  1. exercise and defence of the rights of Juventus in all courts, including judicial and administrative courts, in arbitration and/or brokerage and settlement procedures (hereinafter “Defence”).The legal basis is the legitimate interest of the same (art. 6.1 f) of the Regulation).

With the exception of browsing data (collected automatically), the conferral of Data is:



The Site uses technical, analytical and profiling cookies, including third-party cookies, to allow normal browsing and use of the same, to process statistical analyses and to create profiles that enable advertising to be sent that matches the user's preferences. More information about the characteristics of the cookies on the Site can be found in the Cookie Policy and Cookie Settings sections of the Site.


Within the context of the purposes indicated under the preceding point 4), the data will mainly be processed using electronic and automated systems, in compliance with the regulatory provisions on the processing of personal data and by adopting the appropriate security measures.

The data processing is managed by internal Juventus personnel (employees, system administrators and any collaborators) who are specifically authorised, trained and instructed to ensure an appropriate level of security and confidentiality, as well avoiding the risk of loss and/or destruction of the data and access by unauthorised persons.


The Data shall not be disclosed. Within the limitations imposed by the strict pursuit of the purposes indicated in point 4) above, the Data may be communicated to:

The updated list of all data processors can be requested from Juventus by sending a communication by e-mail to the address


Juventus retains the Data for the period of time strictly necessary to pursue the purposes for which said Data was collected. Without prejudice to what is expressly provided for in point 5) above with reference to the Browsing of the Site, the Data required for:


Without prejudice, however, to the right to revoke consent for processing on a legal basis, the exercise of the rights provided for in point 9) below, including the right to object to the processing, including the fulfilment of specific data retention obligations required by law.


With reference to the Data, the user, according to the procedure indicated in the Regulations and without prejudice to the provisions and limitations set forth in Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (Part I - Title I - Chapter III), has the right to ask Juventus:

The user also has the right not to be subjected to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects that affect the user himself or that similarly affects their person, if they have not previously and explicitly given their consent (art. 22 of the Regulation).

If the processing is based on consent, the user has the right to revoke it at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to the revocation.

You may exercise all the rights listed above by sending an e-mail to Juventus at the e-mail address In addition, in order to no longer receive communications with commercial and promotional content related to the services and products of the company, the user can unsubscribe by clicking on the “cancel registration/ unsubscribe” button located at the bottom of each communication.


If you believe that the processing breaches the provisions contained in the Regulation, a complaint can be lodged with the Data Protection Supervisory Authority in accordance with the provisions of Art. 77 of that Regulation in question.


The Data is stored on servers located in the European Union. If, for the provision of certain services, the Data are to be transferred to third parties countries, Juventus undertakes as of now to ensure that said transfer takes place in compliance with the provisions of the Regulations and, specifically, in the presence of appropriate guarantees (decisions of adequacy, standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, etc.). Further information on the transfer of the Data and the guarantees envisaged for their protection can in any case be requested by contacting Juventus at the e-mail address